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Gallery for South Downs Way: Eastbourne to Southease
Marker at the start of South Downs Way at Eastbourne, showing the two routes that start here
A view West of Eastbourne town and beach from the top of the chalk escarpment at the start of the walk
The Beachy Head light house is dwarfed by the white chalk cliffs which are about 120 metres in height
Looking West from Beach Head over the Downs, showing Birling Gap and Cuckmere Haven in the far distances
A view of the cliffs and lighthouse at Beach Head, taken from near Belle Tout showing the clearly marked path
Belle Toute a lighthouse decommissioned in 1902 and now a luxury and expensive bed and breakfast
View showing the Seven Sisters and Birling Gap. The rolling nature of the Downs here can be seen in the chalk cliffs
Looking West over Cuckmere Haven from Haven Brow
North from Cuckmere Haven there are great views of the Downs and the blue sky
North from Cuckmere Haven there are great views of the Downs and the blue sky
A meadow of flowers as the path descends to the village of Litlington
The Litlington White Horse with paragliders gliding around it
Up on the Downs above Alfriston there are more great views and flower filled meadows
A view of the landscape around Southease, looking North towards the town of Lewes